Why I Blog

Now that I am a stay-at-home mom, I'm open to a whole new world! Just as teaching is hard and can feel lonely, I can already see how being a mom can feel exactly the same way- except that as a mom you can't escape by simply leaving your classroom and closing the door at the end of the day! Ha!

By sharing some of my thoughts, experiences, resources, or just whatever I feel like sharing, I hope that another mom out there can get the feeling that she's not alone and that this mom thing really is the best job in the world.

Power on, mommas! :)


Teaching is a tough job. When I was trudging my way through my toughest year of my career to date, I stumbled upon Hope King's cheery blog Second Grade Shenanigans, which is now called Elementary Shenanigans. Her amazing ideas and positive attitude helped me survive that year and I was then introduced to the wonderful world of teacher-bloggers. My life has never been the same since!

I have found so many amazing ideas, learned so much, and grown as a teacher all because there are generous teachers out there willing to take the time to share. Sometimes the best professional development comes from a single blog post with one life-changing idea. Surviving in the classroom means surrounding yourself with positive people who will uplift you and help you. The blogging community does just that. Great teachers aren't afraid to beg, steal, and borrow. I've done plenty of it and if by sharing my stories and ideas I can help another teacher- just one!- then it makes it all worthwhile!

As an added bonus, my blog serves as journal for me. I love to scroll through old posts and remember the things I have done in the past. It helps me reflect and plan for the future.

Another great benefit of blogging is that it helps me as a writer.  Writing is my weakest area of instruction, one that I am constantly trying to improve. I love that I am able to share my blog with my students and show them that I, like them, am an authentic author. It sometimes takes me hours to write posts. Sharing my real experiences as a writer helps me connect to my students and helps them better understand the writing process.

Although I don't have all the knowledge in the world and am nowhere near the teacher I want to become, I still love blogging and sharing my ideas. If you are tinkering with the idea of starting a blog- jump in! Go for it! You never know who you might be helping. ;)

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