Sunday, July 28, 2024

National Amelia Earhart Day!

July 24 was National Amelia Earhart Day! We always celebrate by reading about her and discussing all the interesting things that could have happened to her. 
We haven't read very many books about her, but the books we have read have given us just enough information for now. As the boys get older we will read more extensively and add to our book list! For a little poster you can print out, book suggestions, and a link to a free resource that you can print and track her last flight, click on the picture below!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

National Moon Day!

National Moon Day is one of those perfect opportunities to make learning a natural part of family culture. This day celebrates the yearly anniversary of the first lunar landing and it provides the perfect context for whole-family learning about everything relating to the moon! 

I've put together a short little packet of book suggestions, moon-related poems, and a few activities that your family could enjoy together to celebrate this fun day. Whether you actually read any of the books or poems or just have a casual conversation around the dinner table, this day provides a great springboard. Take advantage while you can! 

Click the image below to get a copy of the packet. Enjoy and happy learning! 

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