I know it's a little last minute, but here are some Halloween-themed resources I have to share with you! Just click on the link below each picture. I hope you can find something you can use!!
Roll It: Use a dice and a deck of cards. Roll the die and then follow the directions. This is a random assortment of place value skills. This was from two years ago before the TEKS were changed, so it doesn't include any of the new TEKS. It's supposed to rain ALL weekend, so this *might* be something I update or add to this weekend. ;)
(You'll need digit cards and dice)
Multiplication Word Problems: Just a few word problems with a Halloween theme. We haven't covered multiplication yet this year, but I used these two years ago when I taught math and the kids enjoyed them.
Spooky Multiplication Word Problems
Addition and Subtraction Brew- addition and subtraction with regrouping (computation only).
This activity does NOT include any word problems, it is strictly computation.
This activity does NOT include any word problems, it is strictly computation.
Language Arts:
Pumpkin Prefixes Match-Up: Super simple and quick match-up game to review the prefixes re-, un-, pre-, dis-, and non-.
Pumpkin Prefixes
Do They Agree? Subject/Verb Agreement: 12 short sentences to quickly review subject verb agreement.
Again, I hope you were able to find something you could use!
Enjoy celebrating this week with your kiddos!

These are "spook"tacular, Kelly! Just what I needed for the week before Halloween to keep them engaged in their learning! Thank you for sharing!