Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday Pass-Along Oct. 12 (Reading and Writing and Math Freebie Thrown In!)

Happy Sunday, y'all!

I am so excited to finally have a lazy Sunday morning and catch up on some blog reading. The beginning of the year has busy and it's taken me awhile to get my feet back underneath me after starting in a new district and school. Today, as I read through my blog feed and find ideas I'm thinking about implementing, I'll pass them on to you! You may or may not follow the same people I do, so hopefully you'll find something that will help you and your students!


First up... an excellent strategy from the amazing Michael over at The Thinker Builder. This is an excellent idea-gathering strategy for kids to use for personal narratives. FOD stands for First, Only, and Different. I love this idea because it gives the students a clear direction when thinking about ideas. Head over to his page to read more about this great strategy. We are in the opening weeks of our personal narrative unit and I'm going to use this little baby pronto!

Writing Clubs!

Tamara Lynn at Live, Love, Literacy had a great idea to create a writing club with her students, complete with a name and logo- The Mighty Writers Society! Her kids worked together to come up with guidelines for their writing club and deadlines to create their first product. I love this idea! My students already love forming impromptu reading clubs and I'm excited at presenting them with the idea of creating a writing club! We could even create a club that meets during lunch! Ah, the possibilities are endless! Thanks, Tamara for sharing this idea! Head over to her blog to read more about it and see some great pictures!

I also picked up some new things on TpT that I can't wait to use:

This Stop, Collaborate and Listen pack from Amanda @ One Extra Degree will a perfect way to provide for more accountable talk and give my students some interesting things to talk about!

I always love a good graphic organizer and this pack from Erin @ I'm Lovin Lit is perfect to add some rigor and variety. Even though the pack is for upper elementary students, there are some great resources for my third graders. 

Last spring, I stumbled upon these Super Text Detectives reading passages from Jenny @ Luckey Frog's Lilypad and fell in love with them. Not only are the texts about content relative to the time of year, they also require students to use crayons to color-code their evidence when answering the comprehension questions. Who doesn't love to use crayons?! These passages were engaging for my students and were great for locating details. I'm super excited to have the fall edition to use this year! 

Lastly, I realized that I never shared some math stuff I made last year for October. Even though I no longer teach math I still want to share anyway! Click on the link below each picture to download them.

(You'll need digit cards and dice)

Hope you're having a great weekend! 

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