Sunday, March 24, 2013

Quick post today:

I'm planning on doing some work with my kids this week on providing supporting details for particular ideas in a text. They are still struggling on those wonderful questions that start with "Which of the following support that idea that..." Hopefully this organizer will help make that question a little easier to understand. I will create multiple choice questions that align with the organizer so the students can see the correlation. My apologies for the crummy picture quality!

Supporting Details

We will also be working on determining a character's feelings using direct and indirect clues in a story. We will be using the following organizer I changed a bit from this post from Get in the Fold. This one fits my kids a bit better than the original.

Character's Feelings

These organizers are versatile for any text! Click on the links above each sheet if you would like a copy for yourself!

Thanks to the wonderful Krista Wallden for the super cute borders and clip art! Have a great Sunday!

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