Thursday, November 9, 2017

Adjustable Waist?! Who Knew?!

Now that I've finally figured out a rhythm to this whole being a stay-at-home mom thing, I'm discovering that I actually know VERY little about... well... a LOT of things. One of the things, apparently, is how to properly dress my child.

Connor has always been small, but here lately finding pants that fit him has been almost impossible. He has been able to wear shorts for most of the year thanks to our wonderful Texas weather and the lack of four seasons. Mind you, I haven't really searched all that hard. A few online searches here, a quick trip through the baby section at Marshall's there, but now that the weather has turned colder I realized yesterday that my poor child has no pants that actually fit him! Nine month pants fit him in the waist but are too short and the 12 month pants are long enough but literally fall off of his little waist. I seriously sent my child to school today in dumpy pants praying they wouldn't fall off his little body.

In the car on the way to Nutcracker Market as I was complaining about my pants problem, a friend of mine changed my life forever when she said, "Why don't you just get the ones with an adjustable waist?"


Adjustable waist??

How did I not know about this?

Where does one find such things?

Apparently everywhere in the world and I have just failed to see them. Ever.

Major mom fail.

So tonight, I drove myself down to my favorite store, Once Upon a Child, and found not one- but TWO pairs of adjustable waist pants that I'm pretty sure are going to actually fit him!


Seeing that little piece of elastic and those cute little buttons inside those pants just made my day.

So now I can add this little tidbit of knowledge to the ever-growing list of things I didn't know about being a mom. But at least for tomorrow my child will have pants that fit.



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